How to add/edit/remove payment methods in osCommerce ?
1. We'll show you how to add/remove/edit payment methods in osComemrce template.
2. At first find default payment methods by adding any template to cart and starting checkout.
3. Login with your username and password on your website. If you don't have an account sign up.
4. To checkout you need to be logged in. If your payment method isn't in the list, here we go. Let's start adding it.
5. At first go to
6. Login with username and password.
7. Click modules in left navigation and then Payment.
8. To add new payment method click Install Module.
9. Find your payment method and click it.
0. Then you should enable it by clicking True.
11. Enter your account settings there. For example if you choose paypal, enter your paypal email address and password. It's essential.
12. You can leave other fields blank and click Save straightaway.
13. You can now check if it really works by starting to check out one of the products on your website.
14. New payment methods should appear there.
15. Check out video tutorial below to make things more clear.